Wednesday, July 9, 2014

We are HALF WAY to one!

Mommy is not too sure how she feels about that. This has surely been the most exciting six months of my life! Margo continues to grow and grow. She loves to play with her toys on her play mat and is becoming very interested in her puppies, Gracie and Izzy. Gracie loves Margo, but Izzy is still our little scaredy cat and keeps her distance. Margo is learning new things everyday and is so much fun. Jeremy and I are learning a few things along the way too!

At six months Margo:
*Weighs 18lbs 15oz (91st percentile)
*Is 26.5 inches long
*Wears 9m and some 12 month clothing. She certainly did not stay in six months clothes long at all!
*Tried rice cereal for the first time on 5/21/14. She loved it and now has it twice per day- morning and night.
*Can sit up with some help from her friends. She started to "tripod" on 6/1/14.
*Has graduated from the sleep sack and now only sleeps in her footed pj's. Such a big girl!
*Speaking of sleep- Margo first slept on her stomach on 5/20/14. She just about gave me a heart attack! But the dr. said that was a o.k. so we have continued to let her sleep that way (she always starts off on her back and rolls to her belly). She looks so grown sleeping on her belly with her little booty up in the air!
*Loves to say "dadadadada", "gagagaga," and "bababababa." Mommy is still waiting on her to say "MAMA!" We are working on it, but aren't quite there yet.
*Rolls where ever she wants to go.She has also started to kick her legs in an attempt to crawl. I am sure that isn't too far away. Time to baby proof the house!
*Her favorite toy is her bunny rattle that Nana and Pa gave her for Easter. She also loves Sophie and her Baby Einstein piano.
Playing in her crib!
My loves!

And we have a belly sleeper! Yes, she is still in her pack and play! She would do great in her but mommy isn't ready for that just yet. I know i need to get with the program!
I can't resist pics of my sweet girl sleeping.

Girls just want to have fun!
Cutie Pies
Margo loves her Grandma!
Hanging out with her sweet friend James!
Such a little ham!
Snoozing on the beach!
Margo and Laci
Margo and Pa!
Pops and his princess!
Daddy's girl
I could not resist this close up! Look how cute she looks sleeping like a little angel!
Sweet girl!
Toes in the water!
Yummy rice cereal!

Playing hard!

First Ferry Ride
Love her SO, SO much!

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