Thursday, January 23, 2014

And Baby Makes Three!!

Whoa! It has certainly been awhile. My resolution for 2013 was to begin blogging again. After all, my sole purpose of this blog was to capture the fun memories that Jeremy and I made along the way in hopes of one day showing them to our children. Blogging in 2013 didn't happen! So... naturally, I just carried that resolution right on over into 2014. It is still January and I am writing my first blog post. I would say that is a successful start! 

Many exciting things have happened since my last post in 2011 (!!!!). I am no longer teaching and am now working at ECU as an Academic Advisor. We remodeled the bathroom, replaced the windows and roof, added a new deck and a few other small things to our little project house. But most importantly... WE HAD A SWEET BABY GIRL!!

 Margo Elizabeth Davis 
 December 10th, 2013.  
8lbs, 12oz and 20 inches long.

What a blessing Margo is to Jeremy and I. It is truly a love like no other. People always told me that once you have children your heart will grow ten times larger and that you will love them in a way that you never thought possible. It is so true! Being Mommy and Daddy is certainly something that Jeremy and I are figuring out one day at a time. But the days of it being just the two of us seem like a lifetime ago and we could not imagine our lives without our precious Margo.

On January 10th, our girl turned one month old! I can't believe that a month has already passed. Time certainly flies when you are having fun!!

At one month Margo:
*Weighs 10lbs 4oz (77th percentile)
*Is 22.2 inches long (91st percentile)
*Has outgrown most of her newborn outfits and is now wearing size 3m. 
*Loves to be held and read too. 
*Sleeps like a champ (most days).
*Grunts and makes noises in her sleep.
*Has found her "voice" and isn't a fan of diaper changes or baths. 
*Does not like a paci (yet- Mommy is working on this!).
*Goes by the nickname "Sweet Cheeks."
*Gave us her first social month this month! :) 

We sure do love our beautiful Margo. Jeremy and I can't wait to watch her grow up and develop her own little personality. What a fun journey it will be! Here are a few photos taken during our sweet girls 1st month!  
Heading home from the hospital!
1 week old

Baby's first Christmas

We love to see you smile!

Bedtime stories with Daddy!

All of Margo's Christmas ornaments!