Saturday, April 23, 2011

We're BACK!!!

So.... I got a little behind with the whole blogging thing. This has been one crazy busy year. Jeremy and I have been busy with things around our home and spending time with family. 

This past week, we were on "spring break!" Thank you Jesus!!! I def. needed a few days away from the school house. I feel refreshed and a little less crazy. Ha! With that being said, I finally found some time to update the blog!

A lot has happened since our last post. Mainly, WE FINISHED THE KITCHEN! :)

The Kitchen! 



All I have left to do is to have window treatments made! :)

Time is running short! Please accept the remaining update in the form of pictures! 

 Merry Christmas!

 Snow Day 2011: "Davis" the snowman!

 Hubby & I at the JWA Gala!

JWA Gala

Happy 27th Birthday to me! Off to the Chef and the Farmer. YUMMY!

 Two Timing: The Hog is My Mistress 2011

 This still disgusts me! But it sure is good when it's cooked! ;)

 Congrats Kure & JD! It was a fabulous wedding. Wish I had a picture with the beautiful bride! :(