Thursday, February 27, 2014

Margo is TWO Months Old!!

My oh my... time with our sweet girl is surely flying! I can't believe that on February 10th she turned TWO months old. I also can't believe how much she has grown since we first brought her home from the hospital.

At two months Margo:
*Weighs 10lbs 7.5oz (76th percentile).
*Is 23.25 inches long (82nd percentile).
*Is still wearing 3m clothing (& some 3-6m sizes).
*Is starting to like to lay on her back to play or just observe.
*Will coo, ahh, and ohh right back at you. She loves to have conversations with Mommy and Daddy.
*Loves to smile at others. 
*Discovered her hands and fingers on 1/18/14. She likes to put her hands in her mouth.
*Has learned to like bath time! Yay!
*Outgrew her bassinet on February 1st. She is now sleeping in her pack and play in Mommy and Daddy's room.  
*Slept EIGHT hours straight through the night on January 20th. She usually goes down around 9:00 or 9:30pm and sleeps until she wakes up to nurse somewhere between 3:00 and 4:00am. After that, she is back asleep until 8:30am! Still sleeping like a champ! :)
*LOVES music!
*Enjoys it when we walk her around so that she can explore her surroundings. She is not fond of sitting still (Uh oh!!).

Jeremy and I are really getting the hang of this parenting thing. Margo is such a wonderful baby that she really makes it easy for us. She has distinct cries for when she is hungry, needs a diaper change, and when she needs a nap. Luckily, Jeremy and I have picked up on these cues! :) We are enjoying learning new things with our sweet baby girl.

Margo also experienced her first snow this month. She wasn't a big fan! It looks like Margo will take after her parents and prefer the beach to the cold weather! ;)

Here are a few pictures of from our sweet girls SECOND month!

Two Month Check-up: Before Shots
Two Month Check-up: After Shots
It's Snowing!!

Margo and Granny Aycock

Margo and Granny Hobbs

Margo and Mommy

Sweet Baby

Play time!!

Snuggles with Mommy

Ready to go!
What a difference a month can make. :)