Friday, March 28, 2014

Eagle Scouts

This past weekend we celebrated a huge accomplishment for both of my brothers, Jeremiah and Ethan. They were welcomed into the brotherhood of Eagle Scouts. Did you know that only two out of 100 scouts make it to the rank of Eagle Scout? Needless to say we were all very proud of them both!

Jeremy helped to MC the event. He did a great job and was honored to be asked to participate in such a special event for Jeremiah and Ethan.

 All of the Eagle Scouts present were asked to recite the Eagle Charge.

Scout Leader, Tim Wall, presents each scout with their Eagle pin.

Two handsome Eagle Scouts!

Jeremy, Margo, and I were excited to be able to share this accomplishment with her Uncle Jeremiah and Uncle Ethan. Congratulations!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A fun filled 3 months!

Our precious baby turned THREE MONTHS OLD on March 10th. I simply can't believe it. The past three months have felt like a whirlwind. They have been filled with long nights, incessant worrying (ya'll know me!), kisses, snuggles, and many, many priceless memories.

It is amazing how much Margo has grown in these three short months. Her personality is really starting to shine! Our girl certainly knows what she likes and doesn't like. Her smile can melt your heart! I love to listen to hear "coo" and "ahh" at her toys. The three month mark brought about many changes for Miss Priss- the biggest being Mommy going back to work and her starting "school." But this is our new normal and we are adjusting quite nicely. Being away from her for nine hours a day only makes me appreciate my time with her that much more!

At 3 months Margo:
*Weighs 14lbs.
*Is wearing 3-6m clothing
*Has started reaching for her toys on her play gym.
*Will hold her hands up and look at them and clasp them together (we call this her praying hands!).
*Can really kick her legs. She has started to love her kick and play piano! This also makes it hard to change her clothes/diaper when she is in a "mood!" ;)
*Has become more fond of her bouncy seat and swing. She will actually sit and let Mommy and Daddy eat together rather than in "shifts."
*Her favorite book is Snuggle Puppy by Sandra Boynton (a Valentine's Day gift from Daddy!).
*Can occasionally roll half way over onto her side.
*Loves to be rocked to sleep.
*Still loves to be swaddled (although she tries to break out of the swaddle nightly!). 
*Has started waking up more often during the night since starting daycare. Her new sleep schedule goes something like this: 9pm bedtime, awake between 12 and 1am and then awake again between 5 and 6am.  She isn't eating as much as I would like at daycare and I think she is making up for it during the night! We will probably start an earlier bedtime soon. I don't want to because it will take away from the time I get to spend with her... but... I understand that sleep is very important for her development.
*Can knock you dead in your tracks with her precious smile!
*Just developed her first little cold this week. Prayers requested that she is feeling better soon!

Jeremy and I were just talking about how we learn something new each week when it comes to taking care of our girl! When we first brought Margo home, I was afraid to put her down, much less leave her in her crib to take a nap. Each day we grow a little more confident in our abilities to raise a little human. The past three months have been full of growth for our little family. We are excited about the upcoming months and the new memories that we will make with our daughter!

Enjoy some of our favorite memories of Margo's THIRD month!!!

Watching the Winter Olympics with Daddy

Go Pack!

Guard Dogs

Look at that head control!

Margo and Uncle Jeffrey

Bunny jammies! We are ready for Easter (and warm weather!).

Paci progress!

Rocking the pink cowboy boots that Grandma bought me.

Almost there!

What a difference three months can make. Sure do love our sweet girl!

In other news, Margo had her first cold and ear infection this past week. Luckily, we caught the ear infection early. The dr. prescribed amoxicillin to treat it. We call it her bubblegum meds. Jeremy and I both remember taking this when we were little! I could not stand to hear my little love bug congested and coughing. She seems to be on the mend. Praise!! :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Margo's First Day of "School"- aka Daycare!

It is hard to believe that 12 weeks has passed. I have surely enjoyed my time with my sweet and precious girl! We had so much fun spending our days together. Unfortunately, I returned to work part-time last week and Margo went to "school" for the first time. She is attending daycare at Trinity Christian. I am so happy that a spot opened up for her as this was our first choice of daycare for our little sweet cheeks.

Her teachers names are Miss Myra, Miss Christie, and Miss Rachael. She and mommy love all three! They love to hold our sweet girl and give her lots of love while Mommy and Daddy are working. She has three other friends in her class right now, but there will be more starting in March. It was hard to be away from her for four hours everyday, but I know that she is being well taken care of and that makes it much easier.Plus, her awesome teachers send me pictures of her through out the day. That makes it much easier!

Here are a few pictures of our sweet girl on her first day of "school."   


Margo and Daddy on her first day of "school."
Margo and Mommy!
Margo's teachers- Mrs Myra & Miss Christie

And last but not least, here is a video of Miss Priss telling us all about her first day!