Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where is the sun?

I really wish that the sun would come back out because I truly need a little tan. I am starting to look like Casper among all of the bronze goddesses around Greenville. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can catch some pool time today! If you don't believe me, the proof is in the picture! Love these ladies! :)

I love to look at pictures of how people decorate their homes. I think it would be SO much fun to be an interior designer. I think that is what I want to be when I grow up! Ha! Thought I would share this awesome dining room with you. I LOVE this! So classy and so fun. If I had a dining room, I would want it to look just like this!

I am not sure where I found this picture, maybe BH&G or Southern Living?!

What do you think of this room? Do you like it or not?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Musings

Hello friends! I love this quote and thought I would share.
Have a great Monday!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Wasting Away Again in Facebookville....

OMG... I seriously may have a teeny, tiny addiction to Facebook! Quite frankly, I would say that it is more like a serious, needs an intervention addiction. With that being said, I refuse to let this "addiction" (for lack of a better word) take over my summer. In an attempt to be proactive, I am creating my "Summer Bucket List" right here on the blog where everyone can see it. Your words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated as I mark off my "to-dos."And to those of you that know me; yes, my OCD/control-freak/whatever you want to call "condition" is in full swing today!!  HAHA! Okay... goes...

Summer 2011: Bucket List
  1. Find raffle items for JWA's interest meeting. 
  2. Create slide-show for said interest meeting. 
  3. Line up guest speakers for interest meeting. 
  4. Start on website/blog for classroom. 
  5. Have the window treatments for the kitchen made.
  6. Finish painting the trim in "man-cave." (Am I the only one who thinks it's unfair that I am having to work on the "man-cave"? HAHA! Just joking! I don't mind!).
  7. Take a sewing class.
  8. Create/sew throw pillows for guest room. 
  9. Attend the yoga class at the gym. 
  10. Organize ALL closets.
  11. Decide on a new wall color for the office (Pumpkin Pie has to go PRONTO!!!). 
  12. Obedience training for the pups.
  13. Relax!!!! (I think I have this one under control!!)
I think that is all for now. Not very exciting... I know. :(

In other news, my dear friend/mentor, Allison, has decided to leave the land of lollipops and rainbows and venture over to "the dark side" (it's really not that bad, we just like to joke with them about it!!) to become their newest TAG/Stride teacher. I am so excited for her, but I would be telling a lie if I said that I was not a little sad that she will be leaving us! 

Best of Wishes to you my sweet friend!

Oh! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers for Gracie and Izzy! They are back at home and doing super! :)  Have a great day friends!

What is on your Summer Bucket List? 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sweet Summertime!

So.... I have been such a slack blogger this year. Sorry to all of my MANY (all five of you) fans. HeHe!

Can you believe that SUMMER is finally here?! I love summer for so many reasons. Mainly because I get to spend the next two months doing exactly what I want to do. :) After all of last years exciting events, we seriously need a lazy, hazy summer. Much to our surprise, it's looking as if our summer will be just that! We have some home renovation projects lined up (ie: getting the hardwoods refinished, a new roof, and a few trees removed) and a much needed vacay scheduled. Other than that, if you need me, you can find me by the pool working on my tan! 

I wanted to share some fun pics of things that have taken place since my last post. Mainly, Jeremy has hit the ripe old age of THIRTY!!!!! I wanted to have a fun party to celebrate the special occasion; however, I was told that was COMPLETELY out of the question!!!  Who knew older men could be so grumpy?! Just messing with you J! :) To celebrate Jeremy's birthday, we spent a lovely afternoon doing exactly what he wanted to do. We started our day with a nice breakfast of eggs, bagles, and bacon (all of Jeremy's favorites!), followed by lunch at Percy Flowers, home of the almost world famous hotdog! We shopped for new golf clubs, had dinner at Cheesecake Factory (another one of Jeremy's favorites), and ended the day with a Durham Bulls baseball game! I must say that it was truly the perfect day! If you have never been to a Durham Bulls game, we highly recommend it! It was SUPER fun! Also, I loved the atmosphere of the Tobacco district in Durham. We will certainly be returning for another game and maybe to visit a few of the hot spots! :)
 OMG!! We were STUFFED from all of the delicious food we had eaten that day and it was HOT, HOT, HOT! But we still had a great time! :)
 The view from the balcony at Tobacco Road (a super, fun sports bar that overlooks the stadium!).

Durham's Tobacco District

Also, sweet Jeffrey graduated from ECU!! WHOOO HOOO! We are so proud of Jeff and we are excited to see what the future has in store for him. WE LOVE YOU JEFF!

 I'll leave you with pics of our super cute pooches Gracie and Izzy. They had a ball on our mini-vacay back in April! They LOVE the beach and we LOVE our dogs. They are both scheduled to be spayed this Wednesday in hopes that it will help to calm them down a bit (if you didn't know, they tend to be a little crazy at times). Jeremy and I are a little nervous about this, but we know that it will be a huge benefit to our dog's health and our sanity. Please say a little prayer for us on Wednesday. :)
 She LOVED this frisbee!

 Gracie does not like to share!

True Love! 

 Have a great Sunday Funday! See ya next time!